Thursday, June 30, 2011

Where does the time go????

WOW it has been a month since an update! Time is going by way too fast this summer. The month of June was a time of adjustment for the Sisak's. I started my masters at Texas State, and Tim has really had to step up into the Mr. Mom role. He is doing a wonderful job and there is no way i could have done this without him. I am thankful everyday for a very supportive husband who wants to see me succeed. The girls are staying super busy as always.  Avery is in gymnastics once a week, and we frequent schlitterbahn when i have a night off from homework. She loves to float around on the Krystal River just like i used to when i was little. Peyton is teething in FULL FORCE, i am talking up all night and mad a lot. She has decided that she does not like to sleep past 5:30am no matter what time she goes to bed the night before. Tim is taking the early morning shift so i am not sleeping through my classes! (I told you he is awesome!!!!) Peyton turned 9 months this month and she weighs 23 pounds...that's right i said 23 pounds....SHE IS A CHUNK!! She is crawling everywhere and pulling up on anything that will stand still for longer than 30 seconds. Her babbling is getting very funny. Her laugh is contagious and she thinks Avery is the funniest thing alive. Tim keeps himself busy either with the sheep or farming. I have to say though that this drought has him home alot more than last summer.He planted this week so now we are praying for rain ! This weekend is Fourth of July weekend and i hope you all have a great time!! We are staying around the house. Tim is classifying the sheep show at the Belt Buckle Bonanza and we are going to BBQ with our good friends on Saturday. Monday morning we are getting up early to go to the parade in Seguin, Avery is so excited her Auntie Ash & Lori are going with us. Well that's enough for now!!! God Bless America!

Peyton's Baptism Pics

Here are some pictures from the baptism finally!! Godparents Greg & Alicia Strzelczyk, and Troy & Ashley Cooley! Thank you guys we LOVE you!!!