Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Update

This past weekend was a very special time for Ms. Peyton. On Sunday May 22 Peyton was Baptized at Friedens Church in Geronimo, TX. I want to thank her Sponsors Troy & Ashley Cooley, and Greg & Alicia Strzelczyk. We are so grateful they agreed to be her Godparents and look forward to celebrating her many milestones with them.

I also attended another special event this weekend. My very dear friend since 4th grade Ashley Schriewer Cooley graduated from Medical School. I knew it was going to be an exciting morning, but I had no idea how emotional it would be. Once graduation began the emotions overwhelmed me. I am soooooo very proud of Ash and all her hardwork. I know she is going to be an amazing doctor. If she is half as good of a doctor as she is friend then i know her patients will be in great hands.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful mother's Day thanks to my awesome family. Avery had been telling me for days that she had a present for me (she thought it was my birthday). She hid it in Tim's truck. So Sunday morning i got to sleep in and when I woke up Avery comes running at me. "Mommy now i can give you your birthday present. Hurry open it - you dont have to cook" She was so excited. It was a paper bag with a cute poem about having breakfast in bed. I opened the bag and it was a grape juice box and a breakfast bar. I said oh thank you sweetie I love it. She quickly replied "Can you share that with me?" So off she went with my breakfast in bed. It was priceless.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3rd

Well here they are. I finally had their pictures taken. These are a few of my favorites. Avery is 3 and Peyton is 7 months. The photo session was pretty uneventful, except I kept having to bribe Avery with "treats". Her new favorite thing is Peyton's baby food. She LOVES to "share" Peyton's fruits. So after the session we went down to Target so she could pick out her favorite flavor. I guess there are worse things she could want.

Avery's Top Ten Loves at This Moment

10. The movie "Tangled" and anything Rapunzel
9. Having a flintstone vitamin and glass of water before bed
8. Playing on the monkey bars "all by myself"
7. Ring Pop Suckers
6.Playing the guitar
5. Reba & Sugarland
4. Chocolate Milk
3. The TV show "Sonny with a Chance" & "Shake it Up"
2. Singing her own made up songs
1. Her Mommy & Daddy- I hope this always stays #1

Peyton's Top 5 Loves at This Moment
5. Any fruit, but NO veggies
4. Being outside
3. Swinging Avery's Barbie dolls around and chewing on their feet
2. Her glow worm she sleeps with
1. Her Mommy & Daddy- I hope this always stays #1


As a busy working mom (who is about to go back to school for her masters..I know- CRAZY) I feel like I am not documenting my childrens lives as well as I should. Good example being that neither of my children have a baby book....oops  But they shouldnt feel bad - I dont even have a wedding book. :)

I have two beautiful daughters!
Avery Lynn  3/4/08
Peyton Layne  9/14/10

They consume my life. In a good way of course!

I hope this blog will serve as a way for my girls to look back on their lives while they were little, and for me to remember when they were small and innocent. ( because i hear that i might not like them so much when they are teenagers) :)