Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Update

This past weekend was a very special time for Ms. Peyton. On Sunday May 22 Peyton was Baptized at Friedens Church in Geronimo, TX. I want to thank her Sponsors Troy & Ashley Cooley, and Greg & Alicia Strzelczyk. We are so grateful they agreed to be her Godparents and look forward to celebrating her many milestones with them.

I also attended another special event this weekend. My very dear friend since 4th grade Ashley Schriewer Cooley graduated from Medical School. I knew it was going to be an exciting morning, but I had no idea how emotional it would be. Once graduation began the emotions overwhelmed me. I am soooooo very proud of Ash and all her hardwork. I know she is going to be an amazing doctor. If she is half as good of a doctor as she is friend then i know her patients will be in great hands.

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